
Archive for May, 2011

Play is not just for children! It is for anyone who wants to keep their brain working. The National Institute for Play identified seven categories of play that help us understand our love of games and entertainment:

Attunement play: In infancy, mother and baby have a dance of eye contact, smiling, and baby talk. Watch someone meeting a baby or pet for the first time, and you will see this in action.

Movement play: Our first interaction with the world is through movement. The infant’s rapid brain growth is fed by physical stimulus. It is how we develop our sense of where we end and other people begin.

Object play: By manipulating objects with our hands, we understand scientific principles. As with movement play, this also enriches our brains.

Social play: We form bonds and learn the rules of friendship by making up games, participating in sports, and watching games together.

Imaginative, storytelling, and creative play: Alone or with others, we express our humanity at a high level when we engage our creative capacities. Cooking, jokes, and music are examples of these types of play.

Even forms of entertainment that we think are low-brow can serve a purpose in terms of enriching our spirits. I have been wondering lately why I am curious about the royal wedding:  the crazy hats on the attendants’ heads, the dramatic details of the days right before the wedding. Of course! It’s a fairy tale. I’m happy that I can understand why I love LOLcats and why my friends play video games and World of Warcraft.

Do something fun, goofy or creative today. It is good for you!

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Cholesterol is not bad for you! Every cell in the body needs cholesterol to make the cell’s outer layer flexible, waterproof, and able to communicate with other cells. Cholesterol is needed for tissue repair, so it will naturally increase in times of emotional or physical stress. It is the main building block of vitamin D, estrogen, testosterone, and other hormones needed for normal body function. Cholesterol is also a powerful antioxidant and is essential for the digestion of fat. Your brain and nerve system are partly composed of cholesterol. It acts like the insulation surrounding electrical wires and helps the body’s communication pathways to perform in a powerful, efficient way.

Statin drugs, by design, interfere with the liver’s ability to make cholesterol. Unfortunately, they also decrease production of CoQ10, which is an antioxidant that all cells need to produce energy from sugar. The heart, since it beats constantly, has the highest requirements for CoQ10. Heart failure is one of the side effects of CoQ10 deficiency. To offset for this side effect, 200-600 mg/day of CoQ10 should be taken with a statin drug. Statin drugs inhibit the body’s ability to make immunity-enhancing vitamin D. It is widely accepted that the most common side effects of statin drugs are muscle pain, weakness, and difficulties with memory. Some people find that they are unable to tolerate the effects of this drug.

Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to be 44% more effective than statin drugs in reducing death from heart attack and stroke. Omega-3 fatty acids have also been shown to be 32% more effective than statin drugs in reducing all causes of death (Studer M et al. Arch Int Med, Apr 11 2005).

How to Decrease Your Risk of Heart Disease:

  • Eat organic vegetables and fruits; grass-fed, free-range meats; wild fish; beans, legumes, nuts, and seeds.
  • Limit grains to 1 serving per day.
  • Minimize your intake of sugar, juice, pasta, bread, and potatoes.
  • Eliminate hydrogenated oils.
  • Exercise daily for at least 1 hour at an intensity that makes you sweat.
  • Take high-quality omega-3 fatty acids daily.
  • Take vitamin D3 daily to raise your blood levels to 40-80 ng/mL.
  • Consult with a trusted health care professional about a health development program customized for you.


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